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Cele to assess police readiness in KZN
Police minister Bheki Cele inspects state of readiness of operations ahead of Monday protest in KZN
National shutdown | Cele says law must be enforced
Cele assesses Gauteng police readiness for EFF national shutdown
#SADECIDES2019 | Police Minister assessing various voting stations in KZN
KZN police identify hotspots ahead of EFF shutdown
Police in KZN conduct roadblocks ahead of EFF shutdown
KZN police state of readiness for national shutdown
Police Minister Bheki Cele assesses the state of readiness ahead of the LGE in Mpumalanga
SAPS on the state of readiness by police ahead of the #NationalShutdown
2019 General elections | KZN police deployment ahead of elections
Police Minister Bheki Cele visits communities affected by widespread unrest, looting